October 24, 2019 by Kat Phelps, Graphic Designer
Each year marketers and business developers in Houston’s built environment come together for an evening of celebration to recognize excellence by marketing professionals, and honor the most creative and effective marketing materials in the industry.

This year’s annual SMPS Houston Design Awards Gala was held at Dukessa on Friday, October 18th with the theme of “Marketing Masquerade”. The event was a celebratory occasion as we honored firms and individuals who pushed the boundaries of creativity and marketing leadership in the A/E/C industry in the last year. Sarah De Ita, CPSM served on the Gala Committee this year assisting to collect many of the raffle items that contributed to the proceeds received by Casa de Esperanza de los Niños – the House of Hope for Children, a local non-profit organization.
This year, the DBR Marketing Team received 2nd Place for Corporate Identity, 3rd Place for Target Marketing, and 3rd Place for Firm Brochure. These programs play a key role in the firms brand strength and positioning that can influence the firm’s distinctive position in the marketplace.

SMPS continues to promote the critical role and immense value marketing professionals bring to the design and building industries. We are very proud of our team and all the opportunities both DBR and SMPS Houston has provided us!